10 Month Sleep Schedule: A Guide To Better Rest For Your Baby

10 Month Sleep Schedule: A Guide To Better Rest For Your Baby


As a new parent, you’re likely struggling to get a good night’s sleep while caring for your little one. If your baby is 10 months old, you may be wondering if there’s a sleep schedule you can follow to help them sleep better and longer. In this article, we’ll discuss the 10 Month Sleep Schedule and how it can benefit your baby’s sleep routine.

What is the 10 Month Sleep Schedule?

The 10 Month Sleep Schedule is a routine designed to help your baby sleep for longer periods throughout the night. It typically involves two naps during the day and a longer stretch of sleep at night. This schedule is based on your baby’s age and developmental needs.

Personal Experience

As a mother of two, I can say that following a sleep schedule has been a game-changer for our family. When my youngest was 10 months old, we implemented the 10 Month Sleep Schedule and noticed a significant improvement in her sleep pattern. She was able to sleep longer at night and was more rested during the day.

Benefits of the 10 Month Sleep Schedule

The 10 Month Sleep Schedule has several benefits for your baby’s sleep routine. Firstly, it helps to establish a consistent sleep pattern, which can lead to better sleep quality. Secondly, it ensures that your baby is getting enough sleep, which is crucial for their growth and development. Lastly, it can help reduce the likelihood of night waking and early morning wake-ups.

List of Events or Competitions

Several events and competitions are held each year to promote healthy sleep habits for babies. These events aim to educate parents about the importance of sleep and provide them with resources to establish a sleep routine for their little ones.

The National Sleep Foundation’s Sleep Awareness Week

This event is held annually in March and aims to promote healthy sleep habits for all ages. It provides resources and tips for parents to establish a sleep routine for their babies.

The Baby Sleep Site’s Sleep Consultation Giveaway

This competition is held each year to provide free sleep consultations to parents who are struggling with their baby’s sleep routine. It’s a great opportunity for parents to get personalized advice and support.

Detail Schedule Guide for 10 Month Sleep Schedule

Here’s a detailed schedule guide for the 10 Month Sleep Schedule:

  • 7:00 am – Wake up
  • 9:00 am – Nap #1 (1-2 hours)
  • 12:00 pm – Lunch
  • 1:00 pm – Nap #2 (1-2 hours)
  • 5:00 pm – Dinner
  • 7:30 pm – Bedtime routine
  • 8:00 pm – Bedtime

Schedule Table for 10 Month Sleep Schedule

Time Activity
7:00 am Wake up
9:00 am Nap #1 (1-2 hours)
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Nap #2 (1-2 hours)
5:00 pm Dinner
7:30 pm Bedtime routine
8:00 pm Bedtime

Question and Answer Section

Q: How do I know if my baby is ready for the 10 Month Sleep Schedule?

A: Your baby should be at least 10 months old and show signs of being able to stay awake for longer periods during the day. If your baby is still taking three naps a day, it may be too early to implement this schedule.

Q: What if my baby wakes up during the night?

A: It’s normal for babies to wake up during the night, but the goal of the 10 Month Sleep Schedule is to help them sleep for longer stretches. If your baby wakes up, try to soothe them back to sleep without picking them up or feeding them.

Q: Can I adjust the schedule to fit my baby’s needs?

A: Yes, you can adjust the schedule to fit your baby’s needs. However, it’s important to establish a consistent routine to help your baby sleep better.


Q: How long should my baby nap during the day?

A: Your baby should nap for 1-2 hours during each naptime.

Q: Should I wake my baby up in the morning?

A: It’s best to let your baby wake up on their own in the morning. However, if they sleep past 8:00 am, you may need to wake them up to ensure they get enough sleep during the day.

Q: What if my baby doesn’t follow the schedule?

A: It’s normal for babies to deviate from the schedule at times. However, try to establish a consistent routine and adjust the schedule as needed to ensure your baby is getting enough sleep.

13 Helpful Baby Sleep Charts for New Parents Habitat for Mom
13 Helpful Baby Sleep Charts for New Parents Habitat for Mom from habitatformom.com