10 Week Old Puppy Schedule

10 Week Old Puppy Schedule


Having a new puppy in the house can be a fun and exciting experience, but it also comes with responsibility. One of the most important things you need to do is to establish a schedule. A schedule will help your puppy adjust to its new environment and will also help you to manage your time. In this article, we will provide a guide on how to create a 10 week old puppy schedule.

Personal Experience

When I first got my puppy, I was overwhelmed with the amount of work that came with it. I had to feed it, take it for walks, play with it, and train it. I found that creating a schedule helped me to manage my time and also helped my puppy to adjust to its new environment.

List of Events

The following are some events that you should include in your 10 week old puppy schedule:

  • Feeding time
  • Potty breaks
  • Playtime
  • Nap time
  • Training sessions
  • Walks

Detail Schedule Guide

Feeding Time Your 10 week old puppy should be fed three times a day. You can choose to feed it dry or wet food. Make sure that you follow the instructions on the food package on how much to feed your puppy. Potty Breaks Your puppy will need to go outside to do its business. Take your puppy outside after it wakes up, after it eats, and after it plays. Playtime Puppies love to play. Set aside some time for your puppy to play with its toys or with you. Nap Time Your puppy will need to take naps throughout the day. Make sure that it has a comfortable and quiet place to sleep. Training Sessions Training is an important part of your puppy’s development. Set aside some time to train your puppy. You can start with basic commands such as sit, stay, and come. Walks Your puppy will need exercise. Take your puppy for a walk at least once a day.

Schedule Table

Time Activity
8:00 AM Feeding Time
9:00 AM Potty Break
10:00 AM Playtime
11:00 AM Nap Time
1:00 PM Feeding Time
2:00 PM Potty Break
3:00 PM Training Session
4:00 PM Playtime
5:00 PM Walk
7:00 PM Feeding Time
8:00 PM Potty Break
9:00 PM Nap Time

Question and Answer

Q: How often should I feed my 10 week old puppy?
A: You should feed your puppy three times a day. Q: How long should I walk my 10 week old puppy?
A: You should walk your puppy for about 15-20 minutes. Q: When should I take my puppy for a potty break?
A: You should take your puppy for a potty break after it wakes up, after it eats, and after it plays.


Q: Can I feed my puppy human food?
A: No, you should only feed your puppy dog food. Q: How long should my puppy nap?
A: Your puppy should nap for about 2-3 hours throughout the day. Q: Can I leave my puppy alone?
A: No, you should not leave your puppy alone for extended periods of time. Puppies need attention and care.

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