12 Month Old Eating Schedule: Tips And Tricks

12 Month Old Eating Schedule: Tips And Tricks


As a new mom, I was constantly worried about my 12-month-old’s eating habits. I wasn’t sure if I was feeding her enough or if I was giving her the right foods. After some research and trial and error, I finally found a schedule that worked for both her and me.

List of Events and Competitions

If you’re looking for some inspiration or ideas for your child’s meals, there are numerous events and competitions that take place throughout the year. The National Baby Food Festival and The Great American Baby Food Challenge are just a few examples. These events showcase new and innovative baby food products and recipes.

Detail Schedule Guide

Here is a sample schedule that you can follow for your 12-month-old: – 7:00 AM – Wake up and have breakfast, which can include oatmeal with fruit or scrambled eggs with toast. – 10:00 AM – Snack time! Offer cut-up fruit or vegetables, yogurt, or cheese cubes. – 12:00 PM – Lunch time! Try a turkey and cheese sandwich, chicken and rice, or a veggie and cheese quesadilla. – 3:00 PM – Afternoon snack time. This can be similar to the morning snack, offering fruit, veggies, yogurt or cheese. – 6:00 PM – Dinner time. Try a protein like chicken, fish or beef with some brown rice and veggies. – 7:00 PM – Bedtime bottle or snack. You can offer a bottle or a small snack, like a cheese stick or some crackers.

Schedule Table

Time Meal
7:00 AM Breakfast
10:00 AM Snack
12:00 PM Lunch
3:00 PM Snack
6:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Bedtime Bottle/Snack

Question and Answer

Q: What are some good sources of protein for my 12-month-old?

A: Some good sources of protein include chicken, turkey, beef, fish, and beans.

Q: Can I give my 12-month-old cow’s milk?

A: According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, it is recommended to wait until your child is at least one year old before giving them cow’s milk.


Q: My child is not interested in eating. What can I do?

A: Offer a variety of foods and let your child choose what they want to eat. Don’t force them to eat and remember that it’s normal for them to have days where they eat less.

Q: How much should my 12-month-old be eating?

A: It varies from child to child, but a general guideline is 3 meals and 2 snacks per day.

In conclusion, creating a 12-month-old eating schedule can be a daunting task, but with some research and patience, you can find the right schedule that works for you and your little one. Remember to offer a variety of foods and don’t stress too much if your child has an off day. Trust your instincts and enjoy this special time with your child.

Account Suspended Healthy baby food, Baby feeding schedule, Baby food
Account Suspended Healthy baby food, Baby feeding schedule, Baby food from www.pinterest.com