4 Month Baby Schedule: Tips And Guide

4 Month Baby Schedule: Tips And Guide


Being a new parent can be tough, especially when it comes to establishing a routine for your baby. A proper schedule for a 4-month-old baby can help both you and your little one get the rest you need. In this article, we will share our personal experience and provide a detailed guide for a 4-month baby schedule.

Personal Experience

When our baby was 4 months old, we struggled to establish a schedule. Our baby would wake up frequently during the night and would only nap for short periods during the day. We knew we needed to make a change, so we began researching and testing different schedules until we found one that worked for us.

List of Events or Competition

At 4 months, your baby is starting to develop new skills such as rolling over and reaching for objects. You can encourage these developments by playing games like tummy time or providing different toys to explore.

Detail Schedule Guide

Here is a sample schedule that you can use as a guide for your 4-month-old baby: 6:00 am: Wake up and feed 7:00 am: Playtime 8:00 am: Nap 10:00 am: Wake up and feed 11:00 am: Playtime 12:00 pm: Nap 2:00 pm: Wake up and feed 3:00 pm: Playtime 4:00 pm: Nap 6:00 pm: Wake up and feed 7:00 pm: Bath time 7:30 pm: Bedtime routine (reading, singing, etc.) 8:00 pm: Bedtime

Schedule Table

Time Action
6:00 am Wake up and feed
7:00 am Playtime
8:00 am Nap
10:00 am Wake up and feed
11:00 am Playtime
12:00 pm Nap
2:00 pm Wake up and feed
3:00 pm Playtime
4:00 pm Nap
6:00 pm Wake up and feed
7:00 pm Bath time
7:30 pm Bedtime routine (reading, singing, etc.)
8:00 pm Bedtime

Question and Answer

Q: What if my baby wakes up during the night?
A: It’s normal for babies to wake up during the night. If your baby wakes up, try to soothe them back to sleep without feeding them. This will help them learn to self-soothe and sleep through the night. Q: How long should my baby nap during the day?
A: At 4 months, your baby should be napping for a total of 3-4 hours during the day.


Q: Can I adjust the schedule to fit my baby’s needs?
A: Absolutely! This is just a sample schedule. You can adjust it to fit your baby’s needs and your lifestyle. Q: Should I wake my baby up to stick to the schedule?
A: It’s important to establish a routine, but you don’t have to stick to it religiously. If your baby is sleeping, let them rest.


Establishing a schedule for your 4-month-old baby can be challenging, but it’s worth it in the long run. Use our personal experience and guide to create a routine that works for you and your little one. Remember to be flexible and adjust as needed. Happy parenting!

An ideal 4 month old baby schedule The Mummy Bubble in 2020 Baby
An ideal 4 month old baby schedule The Mummy Bubble in 2020 Baby from www.pinterest.com