4 Month Feeding Schedule: Tips, Tricks, And Personal Experience

4 Month Feeding Schedule: Tips, Tricks, And Personal Experience


As a new parent, figuring out a feeding schedule for your baby can be overwhelming. There are so many factors to consider, including the baby’s age, weight, and appetite. In this article, we’ll be discussing the 4 Month Feeding Schedule and sharing some tips and tricks that have worked for us.

Personal Experience

When our baby turned 4 months old, we noticed that she was becoming more interested in solid foods. We had been exclusively breastfeeding up until that point, but we decided to start introducing purees and mashed fruits and vegetables. We also began giving her small amounts of water in a sippy cup.

Events and Competitions

There are many events and competitions related to baby feeding schedules, including the National Baby Food Festival and the Baby Bottle Olympics. These events are a great way to learn more about feeding schedules and connect with other parents.

4 Month Feeding Schedule Guide

Here’s a general guide for a 4 Month Feeding Schedule: – Breastfeed or formula feed every 3-4 hours, or on demand – Introduce purees and mashed fruits and vegetables, starting with one new food at a time and waiting a few days before introducing another – Offer small amounts of water in a sippy cup – Avoid giving solid foods before 4 months of age

Schedule Table

Time Feeding
6:00am Breastfeed or formula feed
9:00am Breastfeed or formula feed
12:00pm Breastfeed or formula feed
3:00pm Breastfeed or formula feed
6:00pm Breastfeed or formula feed
9:00pm Breastfeed or formula feed
12:00am Breastfeed or formula feed
3:00am Breastfeed or formula feed

Question and Answer

Q: Can I give my baby solid foods before 4 months of age?

A: No, it is recommended to wait until 4 months of age before introducing solid foods.

Q: How much water should I give my 4 month old?

A: Offer small amounts of water in a sippy cup, but don’t worry too much about how much they drink. Breastmilk or formula should still be their main source of hydration.


Q: How do I know if my baby is ready for solid foods?

A: Look for signs such as being able to sit up with support, showing interest in food, and being able to move food to the back of their mouth to swallow.

Q: How many times a day should I feed my 4 month old?

A: Breastfeed or formula feed every 3-4 hours, or on demand. As you introduce solid foods, you can adjust the feeding schedule accordingly.

Q: What if my baby doesn’t like a certain food?

A: Don’t force your baby to eat something they don’t like. It’s important to introduce a variety of foods, but also to respect your baby’s preferences. Keep trying new foods and textures, and offer familiar foods alongside new ones.

An ideal 4 month old baby schedule The Mummy Bubble in 2020 Baby
An ideal 4 month old baby schedule The Mummy Bubble in 2020 Baby from www.pinterest.com