Cal Poly Finals Schedule 2023: Tips, Reviews, And Guide

Cal Poly Finals Schedule 2023: Tips, Reviews, And Guide


As a former Cal Poly student, I know all too well the stress and anxiety that comes with finals week. However, with the right preparation and knowledge about the finals schedule, you can make it through with flying colors. In this article, I’ll share some tips and insights about the Cal Poly Finals Schedule 2023.

What is the Cal Poly Finals Schedule?

The Cal Poly Finals Schedule is a comprehensive guide to the finals week schedule for all Cal Poly students. It includes the dates and times for each final exam, as well as important information about locations and other pertinent details.

List of Events and Competitions

During finals week, Cal Poly also hosts a number of events and competitions to help students de-stress and relax. These include:

  • Yoga and meditation sessions
  • Movie nights on campus
  • Game tournaments
  • Study breaks with snacks and refreshments

Detail Schedule Guide

The Cal Poly Finals Schedule typically runs for one week, with exams taking place in the morning, afternoon, and evening. The schedule is broken down by college and major, so it’s important to check your specific schedule to ensure you don’t miss any exams.

Example Schedule:

Date Time Exam
Monday, June 5 8:00am Chemistry 101
Tuesday, June 6 1:00pm English 202
Wednesday, June 7 6:00pm Math 205

Question and Answer

Q: What happens if I miss a final exam?

A: If you miss a final exam, you’ll need to contact your professor as soon as possible to explain the situation and discuss your options.

Q: Can I reschedule a final exam?

A: In most cases, no. However, if you have a legitimate reason for missing the exam (such as a medical emergency), you may be able to work with your professor to reschedule.


Q: How do I access the Cal Poly Finals Schedule?

A: The schedule is typically posted on the Cal Poly website and can also be obtained through your academic advisor.

Q: What should I do to prepare for finals week?

A: It’s important to start studying early and create a schedule for yourself. Don’t forget to take breaks and practice self-care during this stressful time.

Q: Can I bring a calculator to my final exam?

A: It depends on the specific exam and course. Check with your professor beforehand to see if a calculator is allowed.


By following these tips and utilizing the Cal Poly Finals Schedule, you can tackle finals week with confidence and ease. Remember to take care of yourself and reach out for help if you need it. Good luck!

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