Nfl Pregame Schedule: Everything You Need To Know In 2023

Nfl Pregame Schedule: Everything You Need To Know In 2023

If you’re a football fan, then you know that the pregame schedule for the NFL is just as important as the game itself. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the NFL pregame schedule and everything you need to know about it in 2023.

What is the NFL Pregame Schedule?

The NFL Pregame Schedule is the set of events and activities that take place before each game. It includes everything from warm-ups and team meetings to fan events and tailgating parties. The pregame schedule is designed to create excitement and anticipation for the upcoming game and to help fans get ready for the action on the field.

Personal Experience

I’ve been a fan of the NFL for as long as I can remember, and I always get excited when the pregame schedule is released. In 2023, I was especially looking forward to the pregame activities for the Super Bowl. I had tickets to the game and wanted to make the most of my experience.

List of Events

The NFL pregame schedule includes a variety of events and activities for fans. Some of the most popular events include:

  • Team warm-ups and meetings
  • Fan events and tailgating parties
  • Cheerleader performances
  • Pregame shows and concerts
  • Player and coach interviews

Detail Schedule Guide

The pregame schedule for each NFL game is different, but it generally follows a similar format. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:

  • 3 hours before kickoff: Stadium gates open
  • 2.5 hours before kickoff: Teams begin warm-ups on the field
  • 2 hours before kickoff: Pregame shows and concerts begin
  • 1 hour before kickoff: Teams return to locker rooms for final preparations
  • 30 minutes before kickoff: National Anthem
  • Kickoff

Schedule Table

If you’re planning to attend an NFL game in 2023, then you’ll want to know the pregame schedule. Here’s a sample schedule for a typical NFL game:

Time Event
3 hours before kickoff Stadium gates open
2.5 hours before kickoff Teams begin warm-ups on the field
2 hours before kickoff Pregame shows and concerts begin
1 hour before kickoff Teams return to locker rooms for final preparations
30 minutes before kickoff National Anthem
Kickoff Game Begins

Question and Answer

Q: Are there any changes to the NFL pregame schedule in 2023?

A: It’s possible. The NFL is always looking for ways to improve the fan experience, so there may be changes to the pregame schedule in 2023.

Q: Can I bring food and drinks into the stadium during the pregame activities?

A: It depends on the stadium. Some stadiums allow fans to bring in their own food and drinks, while others do not. Check with the stadium before you go to find out their policy.


Q: What should I wear to an NFL game?

A: Dress comfortably and wear clothing that supports your team. Avoid wearing clothing that is offensive or inappropriate.

Q: How early should I arrive for the pregame activities?

A: It’s a good idea to arrive at least 2 hours before kickoff to make the most of the pregame activities.

Q: Are there any pregame activities for kids?

A: Yes, many stadiums offer activities and events for kids before the game. Check with the stadium to find out what’s available.

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NFL nflPreseason nflweek2 nflschedule schedule Nfl preseason from