Pertussis Vaccine Schedule: Everything You Need To Know

Pertussis Vaccine Schedule: Everything You Need To Know


As a parent, we all want to make sure that our children are healthy and protected from diseases. One of the ways to do this is by following the Pertussis Vaccine Schedule. In this article, we will be discussing everything you need to know about the Pertussis Vaccine Schedule, including its benefits, events, and schedule guide.

What is Pertussis Vaccine?

Pertussis Vaccine, also known as the whooping cough vaccine, is a vaccine that protects against the Bordetella pertussis bacteria. This bacteria causes whooping cough, which can be a serious illness, especially in young children. The vaccine is a combination vaccine that also protects against diphtheria and tetanus.

Benefits of the Pertussis Vaccine

The Pertussis Vaccine is very effective in preventing whooping cough. It is recommended for all children, starting at two months of age. The vaccine not only protects the child but also helps to prevent the spread of the disease to others, including infants who are too young to be vaccinated.

Events and Competitions

Every year, there are events and competitions related to the Pertussis Vaccine Schedule. One such event is the National Infant Immunization Week, which takes place in the last week of April. This week is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of infant immunization, including the Pertussis Vaccine.

Schedule Guide

The Pertussis Vaccine Schedule is a series of five shots given over a period of six months. The first shot is given at two months of age, the second shot at four months of age, the third shot at six months of age, the fourth shot at 15-18 months of age, and the fifth shot at four to six years of age. It is important to follow this schedule to ensure maximum protection against whooping cough.

Schedule Table

Age Dose Vaccine
2 months 1st DTaP
4 months 2nd DTaP
6 months 3rd DTaP
15-18 months 4th DTaP
4-6 years 5th DTaP

Question and Answer

Q: Is the Pertussis Vaccine safe?

A: Yes, the Pertussis Vaccine is safe. Like all vaccines, it can cause side effects, but they are usually mild and go away on their own.

Q: Can my child get whooping cough if they have been vaccinated?

A: While the Pertussis Vaccine is very effective, it is not 100% effective. There is still a chance that your child can get whooping cough, but it is usually a milder form of the disease.

Q: Can my child get more than five doses of the Pertussis Vaccine?

A: Yes, in certain circumstances, your child may need additional doses of the vaccine. Your healthcare provider can advise you on this.


Q: What is whooping cough?

A: Whooping cough is a highly contagious respiratory illness caused by the Bordetella pertussis bacteria. It is characterized by severe coughing spells that can make it difficult to breathe.

Q: When should my child receive the Pertussis Vaccine?

A: The Pertussis Vaccine is recommended for all children, starting at two months of age. It is important to follow the schedule outlined by your healthcare provider.

Q: Are there any risks associated with the Pertussis Vaccine?

A: Like all vaccines, the Pertussis Vaccine can cause side effects, but they are usually mild and go away on their own. Serious side effects are rare.


Following the Pertussis Vaccine Schedule is an important part of keeping your child healthy and protected from whooping cough. By staying up-to-date with your child’s vaccinations, you can help prevent the spread of this serious illness. Talk to your healthcare provider to learn more about the Pertussis Vaccine and how it can benefit your child.

Pertussis Whooping Cough Disease Surveillance Epidemiology Program
Pertussis Whooping Cough Disease Surveillance Epidemiology Program from